Fight the Drain

Can you really blame people who are fatalistic? Every day, hour, minute moving towards a point in time where you will no longer exist outside of memory. Constantly and unavoidably, the process goes on. It is scary and frustrating and overwhelming, if you let it.

The pursuit of human endurance is the pursuit of staving off this march. Delaying the inevitable. More importantly experiencing the time you have. It would be hard to convince me that there is a better way to experience, than through distance based events. The really cool thing is that there is literally infinite ways to go about this pursuit. Most commonly this is via an official race. Money paid, roads closed, social media updated, t-shirt picked-up events. 5k to 100 mile ultras, water to snow, feet to wheels or whatever the case might be. These are great. You set a goal. You do the training. You get a result. You can compare to past performances and performers. It is a controlled environment and you probably get treats when you are done. Awesome. Go Get It.


Movement. Plain and simple. In any shape or form. Short distance or long distance. Slow and steady or at your limit. Life is about finding out what you are capable of and that is not possible sitting still. Simply going for a run (or walk) improves you and your life. Coming up with your own adventure or endurance pursuit is so much the better. The guys in Jackson Hole took what was around them (awesomeness) and decided to combine both the spirit and physicality of movement into an experience (event?) to be envied.

Go to a local park and watch the action going on there, but not in a weird way. Look at the kids playing. Look at the adults sitting. Get in there people! Join your kids, your nieces, your nephews, your grandkids in play. Do some pull-ups, go up and down the damn slide. Hit up the swings. Be like the dudes in the Picnic. Find an adventure in your area. Bike to Branched Oak and swim across. SUP through the Platte River. Hike and ski. Get moving whenever and wherever you can. Keep yourself from spinning into something that only closely resembles what we used to be. Fight the drain.

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